"THE WEB OPERA ... a beautifully constructed, brilliantly realized new opera - and new film -
Michael Roth has constructed a piece very much of our time.
The music is high voltage (with) moments of ensemble beauty.
A huge bravo to all, a real sense of wonder to the technical team’s wizardry,
and a huge thanks for bringing this vital issue to consciousness via the medium of music."
a new kind of film - a new kind of opera -
streaming now - thewebopera.com
the first three episodes are available now -
free of charge, to support suicide prevention and fight cyberabuse;
a collaboration with Kate Gale and Kate Jopson - along with:
Adam Von Almen, Lisa Glenn Armstrong, Loren Battley, Steven Cahill,
Molly Connor, Steve Erdody, Dana Fytelson, Chris Gaal/Crazybridge Studios,
Yvette Holzwarth, Kelly Kasle, Emily Kosloski, Joyce Lai, Simo Liu,
Jacqueline Lopez, Missy Lukin, Yi-yi Shao, Batya MacAdam Somer,
Alex Syiek, Joanna Syiek, Reuben Uy, Laura Vall, Amy White,
Stephanie Cecile Yavelow, Eduardo Vega/Humannovations and many others -
with thanks to the Santa Monica Arts Commission.
Special Screening! - New Music Gathering-2021 - click for details
Since it's release in 2019, THE WEB OPERA has been an
official selection at THIRTY FIVE international film festivals including:

"If you gaze long enough into the abyss - the abyss will gaze back at you"