Tom Stoppard's ARCADIA
Music for Tom Stoppard's ARCADIA
"Roth’s insistent yet wistful piano music serves as aural hinges between the two centuries.
The final waltz is a dance to the music of time that sends you soaring." (Steven Winn/SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE)
I've been fortunate to collaborate several times with Tom Stoppard, and am very grateful -
this began when I composed the score for the West Coast premiere/American Conservatory Theatre
production of his great play ARCADIA in 1995, directed by Carey Perloff.
The score won the Bay Area Critic's Circle Award, and I was able to expand upon and in some cases orchestrate the score
as it evolved through productions in Seattle, South Coast Repertory, Atlanta (Alliance Theatre), San Diego (Patte Award Winner), Sacramento, Chautauqua, and finally once more in San Francisco for Carey Perloff's 20th anniversary production (2013).
The score has also been used for recent productions in New Jersey, New Zealand, North Carolina (2015), as well as
featured in the Studio61 production, Wolverhampton, UK (2017), Massachusetts (Concord Players, 2018),
the Endellion Theatre, Thurlstone, UK (2018) and most recently Delaware (2023).
Trailer for the 2013 ACT production

Composing for ARCADIA led to the next two
collaborations with Tom Stoppard,
composing the scores for the American premieres
both at ACT, both also directed by Carey Perloff.
For further information and excerpts from the
ARCADIA score, and to obtain permission
to use the score for a production,